How to Improve Concentration Skill

When you write down your ideas you automatically focus your full attention on them. Few if any of us can write one thought and think another at the same time. Thus a pencil and paper make excellent concentration tools.                                           -Micael Leboeuf

No one can disagree with the above thought, zotting down the thoughts, ideas, feelings can help us to increase our concentration as well as focusing our attention in some specific task. Analysis of various researches has proved that there exists eighty twenty principle which means that if pay eighty percent of our attention then it requires only twenty percent efforts and vice a versa so it can be concluded that the key of success is concentration.A good concentration can help us to finish off task quickly and with less errors.  

May be many of us are aware about all this but the biggest hurdle is how to concentrate or how to improve our concentration power? Whenever we try to focus, soon our mind starts oscillating with one or more thoughts. Determination and consistent practice is essential for improving your concentration skill. Now a days our surroundings are full of distractions, mobile is one of the example which can easily distract us through notifications or whats App messages, facebook, Instagram and many more, the list is endless so determination of maintaining distance from these distractions is the very first step.

Tips to increase concentration

  • Before starting your work relax your mind with long deep breathes, while doing so focus your whole attention on your breath.
  • Choose a proper place to keep you away from distractions.
  • Have a proper and balanced diet. Do not keep snacks to munch.
  • Prepare the roadmap in advance.
  • Make short term goals.
  • Take short breaks to avoid fatigue.
  • Keep essential things handy.
  • Use concept maps and mind maps for better conceptualization.
  • Practice meditation and mindfulness activities.
  • Reflection is must before winding up the learning activity.

Follow the tips, be honest to yourself and give your best shot!